Daily Sagittarius Horoscope August 20 (20/08)


Now 22 − Dec 21

Alias: Alias: The Archer

August 20


daily sagittarius horoscope:

summary sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

Were not always aware of when were overthinking something. One thought leads to another that leads to another and where we believe were covering every base or accounting for every possible outcome, were actually stifling progress were so keen to make. Something in your world has had enough thought and assessment given toward it. Now, its time to stand back and leave it alone. Thats the only way youll see it in the right perspective before returning to it.


summary sagittarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

Weve all experienced a situation where weve decided to make a certain purchase and believed the first option we saw was the one. We know its sensible to view and consider other options before making a choice but, even when we do that, our inner voice tells us the first option is the best one. You could find yourself in a similar position in some way now. Your instincts tell you that, in some way, a search is over, but you feel its sensible to explore other options. You can trust what your inner voice is telling you.


summary sagittarius weekly

Star 8/10

Youre human and therefore cannot claim to have all the answers to lifes mysteries and quandaries. We receive tremendous help when were younger from individuals who want to be integral to broadening our minds, but reach a point where any further learning comes from our own initiative. This week, be prepared to embrace a learning curve that relies on proactivity coming from you to recognize its value - and seize it!


summary sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

You could be called upon to provide levels of support to a family member over and above what youre used to providing, so be as flexible and accommodating as possible. This might take the form of you acting as a mediator or bringing calmness to whatever is tense or chaotic within a family circle. Communication is prone to misunderstandings and misinterpretation, and it might be up to you to resolve such issues. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 21st could be pivotal in you instigating a plan that involves studying, travel, publishing or broadcasting. Take your pick!


health sagittarius daily

Star 7/10

The planetary alignment today gives you the intensity you sometimes lack. You may feel more easily aroused, more vital, more prone to outburst, just plain more of everything! As you begin to express your feelings, be aware that a regular fitness schedule can help you manage this emotional state that is not your \"usual\". Enjoy this transit, but try to avoid saying anything you might regret later by letting out some steam through regular exercise.


health sagittarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

There are times when you, who are typically emotional and internalized, can be outgoing and glamorous, and with today\s planetary alignment, you have the opportunity to shine! You may experience a day or two of feeling you want to entertain and share your bubbly mood with those you love. Why not spread good cheer with a bountiful feast made from organic produce that is grown locally? Prepare a meal with the intention to spread this feeling of well being throughout your intimate community.


health sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

You could be feeling a lot of inner pressure, which can be expressed as physical symptoms. Now might be a good time to let go of any resentment. Find a way to heal the major issues, especially those that have been bugging you for a long time and perhaps eating at your conscience. The sooner you get to work on those, the more peaceful and energized you\ll feel.


health sagittarius monthly

Star 9/10

With indulgent Venus, your wellness planet, moving through a more intense and emotional sector of your chart, you could be drawn to eating comfort foods in the weeks ahead. The reason is that feelings may be rather intense due to certain astrological factors, and it might seem easier to push them aside than acknowledge them. However, holding back can cause feelings of discomfort within the system that sugary, fat-laden foods appear to cure - but not for long! If you can embrace your emotions, you may find that you lose rather than gain weight.


love sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

Today you have the feeling of being restricted by either a person or circumstances. The planetary configuration is making it difficult for you to feel at ease or at home in a certain situation. You wish you could speak out about it, but somehow cannot bring yourself to do it. You need to be true to yourself, despite the consequences. It will be better in the long run.


love sagittarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

The day\s planetary configuration indicates that freedom and the need to find space are quite important to you. You may discover that you have been running in circles, with no time to do the things that make you feel contented. This is your chance, and you will welcome the opportunity to get out and do something creative. It will give you time to breathe.


love sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

When was the last time you were surprised by a date? Wouldnt it be nice to have that feeling again? You have reason to hope at the start of the week, so try not to lose your grip on that optimistic energy. Something might be off between you and a date over the weekend, but you may not be able to put your finger on it. Unfortunately, the chemistry is either there or it isnt. You cant fake it.


love sagittarius monthly

Star 7/10

A Uranus retrograde begins on August 3, allowing you to gain a new perspective on the puzzle you call your love life. Have some approaches been working better than others? You should know why by the end of this aspect. A Venus-Pluto opposition on August 15 brings out your game-playing tendencies, but youll have to work on limiting this approach if you want to find your true love. Manipulation wont bring the results you seek. Mercury backs into Leo on August 26, warning you not to confuse bravado with confidence. Sometimes its OK to feel unsure of yourself. Your dates might even find it endearing.


career sagittarius daily

Star 9/10

Someone who might have shunned one of your ideas in the past is suddenly rethinking his or her point of view. This major breakthrough is likely to open up huge career opportunities. Be open and honest with your ideas. Doing so will take you far.


career sagittarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

It is important for you to be extra flexible. This is the only way you will be productive in the workplace. A stubborn attitude will turn other people away and you will lose vital help and resources that you need to be successful with your work.


career sagittarius weekly

Star 8/10

It\s important to be very honest and clear about anything concerning work and money. Small things can become big and unpleasant. Stay on top of things and making sure problems are taken care of as soon as they arise. Success is based upon a complex network of other people and organizations. For best results, relationships must be tended and nurtured. Saturday and Sunday are the most positive days for finding a new or better job.


career sagittarius monthly

Star 7/10

August 7 is ideal for delivering a big project. Not only will your contributions be appreciated but you may also be offered a big bonus. Word of your ability is spreading. Its possible someone will ask to write an article about you for a magazine or website. If your boss wants you to go on a business trip near August 21, accept. This will be a golden opportunity to sign some new business. Youll also have an opportunity to eat at fine restaurants and visit places of historic interest. Getting paid to see the world suits you perfectly.



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