Daily Capricorn Horoscope December 29 (29/12)
Dec 22 − Jan 19
Alias: Alias: The Goat
December 29
daily capricorn horoscope:
daily capricorn horoscope:
Star 10/10
As a New Moon occurs in your sign, you could feel less confused or hesitant about a particular plan close to your heart that youve wanted for some time to pursue but also wanted to ensure you were pursuing it in the right and most practical way. This might have created a false sense of comfort through knowing time wasnt right to take the step you know has needed taking. Now, youre not only finally about to take that step but youll do so with justified confidence.
Read more...Star 8/10
What might appear to be a daunting or terrifying risk to one person is something someone else is willing to do without a moments hesitation. When we see someone acting in what we believe to be a reckless way, we wonder how on Earth they overlooked umpteen dangers or risks we identified. The cosmos definitely isnt encouraging you to be reckless now but it is pushing you to cease assessing risk associated with a plan, close your eyes and take a leap of faith!
Read more...Star 10/10
Your rulers link with Uranus could make a volatile and potentially emotional festive period but it wont take long to recognize a truth that has been in need of recognizing for some time. A situation or arrangement youve sensed has had an extended shelf life might not necessarily be ending but its altering in an unignorable way. This will help you to see it more realistically. Expect to look back on this period as the time when that finally changed for the better!
Read more...Star 8/10
During a time of year many consider most expensive, youll have your finger on your financial pulse during December. Marss influence could see costs increasing by the hour but, fortunately, Venus is at hand to ensure you dont have sleepless nights about money issues. The Full Moon on the 13th could bring an interesting opportunity to boost your income while the New Moon in your sign on the 29th could revive your keenness to pursue a certain ambition close to your heart.
Read more...Star 7/10
The planetary alignment today gives you the urge to discover something new! Explore the possibilities that present themselves and pay special attention to your emotional responses to those opportunities. The tendency to intellectualize emotions will be increased. Use your ability to think ahead, and anticipate how decisions will impact your emotions. Its wise to stay faithful to your healthy diet and exercise program now.
Read more...Star 10/10
You may feel like friendship is the most important thing in life, and if this is true, you must be very careful about who your friends are. Communication will be greatly enhanced by keeping your thoughts to yourself until you are ready to voice them. Try thinking through your relationship issues at the gym and while you lift weights, or focusing on what you really want to say to someone while using the exercise machines. The truth will find its way to the surface.
Read more...Star 9/10
Partnership issues could lie at the heart of some of your health problems. It might be possible to catch a minor infection - nothing too serious, but certainly inconvenient. Youre still racing full steam ahead, so watch for any signs that youre getting burned out. Its better to cut out the less important jobs and take some time to relax.
Read more...Star 7/10
Mercury, your health planet, glides into your sign on December 2 and stays for a longer period than usual. This suggests that you may be more conscious about taking care of your health and making adjustments that will keep you in top shape this holiday season. Mercury is linked with mobility and flexibility, so if you feel the winter chill stiffening your joints, supplements might help ease them while gentle exercise can keep you limber. A new outlook and philosophy could bring changes in the kitchen, and this might revolutionize your health if you stick with it.
Read more...Star 7/10
If someone has fallen head over heels in love with you, perhaps it is best not to rock the boat today. The astral alignment is creating an atmosphere of idealism and perfection, and your love interest is sure to be feeling even crazier about you than ever. If it becomes too unbearable, you may have to say something, but dont be too worried - their mood could well pass in a few days.
Read more...Star 9/10
As like attracts like, and opposites also attract, what are you to do when faced with the dilemma of choosing between the two? The planets are radiating an energy suggesting that if you are faced with a choice of two or possibly more dates, you can talk your way into the one that is most suitable for you. Conduct some kind of cunning interview, while pretending to tell them your life story. Youll think of something!
Read more...Star 8/10
Are you living out your romantic fantasies? Goats might not be the most romantically adventurous sign, but you still have wants and desires that deserve to be fulfilled. Spend some time at the beginning of the week discovering your exploratory side. Laughing with someone is the first step on the path to love over the weekend. If you find yourself smiling when you think about him or her, you might be hooked.
Read more...Star 7/10
Youre a stickler for truth and details as Mercury enters your sign on December 2. If you suspect a potential date isnt giving you the whole story, you arent quick to hand out second chances. The way your social calendar looks, you can afford to be choosey. Mars moves into Pisces on December 19, creating an interesting dynamic of sour and sweet. Are prospective love interests able to predict your next move? No way. Do you like that? Definitely! The New Moon in your sign on December 26 wipes the slate clean and welcomes new romantic prospects. Take an orderly approach.
Read more...Star 7/10
Dont let others pressure you into something that you are not ready to commit to with regard to your career. Someone in your workplace may use scare tactics to convince you of something that he or she thinks is right for you. Trust only yourself.
Read more...Star 10/10
Your good nature and honest approach will win you big points in the workplace today. Be sure to be extra courteous to others. A positive attitude - more than knowledge or skills - will be what gives you the leg-up you are hoping for in your career.
Read more...Star 8/10
This remains a high-energy time for making contacts and developing constructive social networks. Fun-loving people can be especially supportive. This period is positive for applying for jobs or using innovative ideas in established routines. Things could be more complicated or take more time than you expect. This is a lucky time to bring people together. People should see you in an especially positive light. Ask for advice if you feel uncertain about a decision.
Read more...Star 9/10
An important job will come to an end on or around December 13. Youll be very happy with the result. Dont be surprised when youre given a raise in recognition of your exceptional performance. Your ability to think outside the box has served you well. You could be given a high-profile position that draws on your leadership ability as the year draws to a close. The secret to your success will be clear communication. Make sure your team knows what to expect, and offer continual feedback on performance. Youll reach your goal quickly when everyone rows in the same direction.
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